web copy
- Have you ever launched a new web site? I have. Six or seven times now. It’s really hard. It plays with your sense of timing. You think it will never be done or ready, right up until the minute it goes live. And then, suddenly, it’s there in the…Read More
- I’ve had dozens of discussions about whether a given piece of content is too long. These exchanges have often been with designers (you know how those visual people are) and have generally gone like this: Designer: “This is too much copy.” Me:…Read More
- I have messed up so many times over the years that I’ve come to a conclusion: messing up is a best practice. I’m not talking about failure. Failure is trendy right now, inspiring conferences and motivational speeches. No, I’m talking about…Read More
- I’m getting quieter. It shouldn’t be surprising, given that my origins involve being a quiet girl. But this is a very different kind of quiet. Not at all to do with the shyness that characterized my early years. This is quietness of…Read More
- I got the best compliment from another writer a few weeks ago. She said, “When I read your blog, it really sounded like you. It’s as if you were sitting here talking to me.” I was thrilled, because that is my exact goal! It wasn’t…Read More